Friday, April 24, 2015

Baby names

Nathan and I thought we were all set with names. And now we're not sure! So how about some help? Throw out your best boy and girl baby names, both first and middle names. Give me what you've got! And GO!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Crazy renos

The last few days around here have been interesting to say the least! It was one week ago that we heard that renos would be starting on Monday. (Whenever the contractor has time, right??) And now we are in the middle of day four of having our house ripped apart, I mean renovated. 

So far we haven't had too much interruption to our living space as the big part of the reno is a garage conversion and they haven't taken down the wall in between yet. 

This is a before shot of our living room aka "fireplace room." We have since sold the black couch since we won't have space for it anymore and our sectional has been moved in temporarily while renos happen. This room looks basically the same except for furniture and stuff everywhere. It's a mess. 

There is also a big mess outside our front door. The garage door has been taken out and replaced with a window. A much smaller window, obviously, but still a good size!  We have two new south facing windows in the garage and a subfloor has been built. Yay! It's taking shape!

The kids have noticed that something is going on an seem to have been testier than normal, especially the first day or two that guys were here working. As a result, I've had to come up with activities to keep them distracted from bugging each other. And every time they got along for even 3 minutes, I took a picture so I could remind myself that there are good moments happening despite the seemingly unending whining! They really are adorable and delightful when they're getting along!

As of about half an hour ago, we have even less space. Our communal space is now our kitchen and bathroom, because let's face it...when you have young kids, bathrooms are about as communal as the rest of the house! BUT...the end of the construction feels near! There are two bedrooms to be framed and then I believe we mostly just have finishing to do! Oh yeah, and an exterior door is being taken out yet. So siding work needs to be done to patch that hole. And we need to add a ceiling in the garage so insulation can be added. Still lots to do I guess. But it feels so much closer than it was a week ago! I can't wait to see it done! I can't wait to start using our new space! My hope is that things are basically usable before baby comes...

And if I have time for a bit of nesting before the big day, even better!

Thursday, April 9, 2015


Painting Easter eggs:

Throwing stuff into water is always fun. This is the pond on our yard that shows up every spring:

Cuties getting ready for church:

That's just cute! Can you find Goldbug?

Thankful for two good travellers! This one knows how to entertain herself when her brother is sleeping:

Waiting for daddy to get home from work:

Visiting our sole surviving bunny:

And the latest. I've lost count of weeks. I think I'm closing in on the end of the 29th week? Roughly 10 weeks to go (due end of June):