Saturday, June 27, 2015


Madelyn Amia McCorkindale
June 22, 2015
6lbs 10oz, 18.6" long

We went in for a scheduled c-section bright and early Monday morning. I wasn't looking forward to the process much (I felt quite sick through the surgery and recovery with Kayden) and this time wasn't much different from last. I did ask for more anti-nausea drugs this time which helped that end of things but then I was pretty drugged for most of the first day. Day 2 was much better and every day since then has been easier and easier in terms of recovery and feeling like myself again. I'm still moving slowly and haven't ventured beyond the front step of the house BUT I'd rather take it easy and go slow than try to rush recovery and have it take longer as a result. 

We all just love Maddie around here. The kids adore her. Most of the time they're too busy to take much time out of their day to pay much attention to her (especially Kayden) but Levi will snuggle up next to me a few times every day and just spend time with me and Maddie. It's pretty special. 

Maddie has been a very content baby so far. She eats well and sleeps well (for a newborn so up often but never for long). She is mostly content when she is awake. I'm hoping this lasts! She is just so sweet! 

Size-wise, she is between Levi and Kayden's birth weights (3oz heavier than Kayden, 1.5lbs lighter than Levi) but the shortest of all 3. Levi was 20.5", Kayden was 19 3/4", Maddie was 18.5"! I was 18" at birth and weighed less than each of my girls so there's a good chance they'll surpass me in size when they get older, but I'm betting not by much! 

I've had a lot of people say that they see a resemblance between Kayden and Maddie. I see it a bit, they're definitely sisters, but I see more resemblance between Maddie and Levi. Kayden had very fine features as a newborn. Tiny eyes, tiny lips, tiny nose. I feel like Maddie has more pronounced features. She has big, beautiful eyes, wider lips, and a more pronounced nose. I'm curious to see her look develop as she gets older. Each of my kids has their own look and each is so beautifully made. It's an amazing privilege to see how God can knit three totally different and totally beautiful children from the same two parents! 

Well, I'm tired and it's feeling late so I'll just throw in a few more pictures and post this baby. Welcome to the world, Madelyn Amia! We're so happy you've joined us!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Exciting day!

This is an exciting day for me! Newborn diapers AND milk that doesn't expire until after baby's due date! Wahoo!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Pregnancy at 37 weeks

For the fun of comparison, I figured I'd dig up some pics from around the same point in each of my pregnancies. This is 37 weeks-ish with each of the kiddos. 

Top left is Levi. Bottom left is Kayden. Right side is baby #3. I think I look pretty similar in all of them, though I think the doctor has had my dates a bit different with each of them so according to my dates - which I'm quite sure are fairly accurate - I'm about 2 weeks further along in the Levi picture, even though according to the doctor I was 37 weeks in each pic. But that's beside the point! 

So, we all know that there are certain things you should never say to a pregnant lady. Things like:

"Are you sure you're only having one?"
"You look ready to pop!"
"You look so tired..."

Well, I have had another question asked more than once (yes, multiple times by multiple STRANGERS) that should be way off anyone's list of "appropriate conversation topics." See, I'm usually pretty forgiving when people say silly things. Most people open their mouth before they think or make an honest mistake ("oh, your boys are so cute!" when really I have one of each). No worries. It doesn't phase me! But when you - get this - start asking me how tall I am (do you want my current weight too?) and whether I was able to deliver naturally or if I needed c-sections? Off limits, people. You can just let your curiosity burn if you must but please don't ask me details of how I birthed my children within minutes of "meeting" me in the grocery store. Let's just not go there, ok? Thanks. (Did I mention this has happened multiple times over the past few years? More than once, people!! How?!)

Anyway, moving on...

I'm finding pregnancy #3 to be really different from the first two. It's no secret that it's been different physically for me. But also mentally it's been different. The way I feel about our infertility journey has been different. With our first, after trying for over 3 years, I rejoiced openly, feeling like I had somehow earned the right to celebrate. After all, I had suffered and cried and fought and prayed for this baby! Infertility was still fresh on my heart and I was healing from our wounds as I was carrying Levi. Infertility was still very real and that pregnancy was full of emotion! Then we got pregnant with Kayden after only 8 months of trying and I had a few years between me and infertility. I still felt unbelievably grateful for her little life growing inside (obviously) but I also felt a little more guilty in sharing my excitement because I knew that so many other people I knew had been trying so much longer and were still waiting. And then we got pregnant with #3 after 9 months of trying and I feel now like I have no voice to speak to those who are hurting and struggling with infertility. When I was in the midst of infertility, I felt like once people had kids, they forgot the pain of infertility and could no longer identify with me in my struggle and pain. And to an extent I find that to be true. I am definitely not in the place that I was when I was pregnant with Levi. I hope that I am still sensitive and I remember the pain, but I don't FEEL the pain anymore so it's hard to remember the details of what exactly I needed from others and what people said that hurt or helped. I remember that the days ached and that I hurt with every fibre of my being. But it has been so long now that I can't actually feel those feelings anymore. And that makes me nervous that I won't be as sensitive as I should be around friends who are still waiting. Maybe I'll say the wrong thing or talk about my kids too much or mention the struggle of motherhood without sounding grateful enough that I have the opportunity to experience this struggle. It's a weird place to be in. Infertility is still a huge part of my story, and yet I feel like it has faded so much. We chose to keep this pregnancy off of Facebook because I remember how hard it was to be scrolling through the news feed and see pictures of growing bellies and hear complaints of discomfort and sickness. It felt like I had no escape from the world of baby bellies around me and like those who didn't struggle to get pregnant had no right to complain. And I didn't want to contribute to that for my friends who are still waiting for their miracles. It's a strange balance to find. Friends who are still waiting, I know that I'm in a very different place than you are and I don't fully remember what it was like to be where you are. But I do remember that it was the hardest thing and I desire to be sensitive and to support you in your journey. Please be open and honest so I can walk your journeys with you and remember what I've been through so I can better support you who are still waiting. 

Monday, June 1, 2015

A little time alone.

Today Nathan needed to head to Regina so he decided to take the kids along for a little "daddy-kid adventure" leaving me with a few hours by myself. This doesn't happen very often. Maybe once every 6-12 months I get a few daytime hours at home by myself? It's lovely. I usually panic about what the best use of my time is. Do I nap? Do I try be productive? Do I dive into something I enjoy and enjoy doing it with no interruptions? Do I try to organize life so it will be that much easier when everyone gets home again? Today I opted for a little of everything! I started out gardening. I planted out a couple house plants to make even the tiniest amount of extra space on my counter (which is full of house plants right now thanks to renos). Then I started a load of clothes and blankets! Hmm...the question that has you all wondering is whether I've dug out the baby BOY clothes or the baby GIRL clothes! Time will tell, my friends. Time will tell. Little baby McCorkindale should be here within a month :) While waiting for the load of laundry to finish, I laid down in bed. I didn't plan to nap but oh, I did! You wouldn't believe how I wrestled with myself about that one! Not so much the fact that I was napping, but my mind and body kept saying "get up! You need to switch laundry so that you can be done before everyone is home! It's 3pm, you need to get Kayden up from her nap! You really shouldn't sleep away your whole afternoon!" But I pushed that voice down and snuggled deeper into my oh-so-cozy bed for just a bit longer. And a bit longer. Amazing, people. Amazing. As I'm laying here, though, being utterly lazy and feeling my hips and ribs turn numb because I haven't turned over in an hour, I'm realizing that this stage of life where I constantly have little ones needing my attention is going to be so short-lived!  I've been in this high demand stage for almost 5 years now but in another 5 years I might be almost out of it! I might be looking at sending my youngest to kindergarten and having every second day to myself! And then the year after that, every day! And life will never be like this again. They just won't need me the same way. And I won't have the constant company around the house. As exhausting as it can be... I'm going to miss it! Sure, our house might be cleaner. (Yes, I said "might!") I will be more rested. I will have more time to do the things I enjoy without being interrupted at every turn. But...but...will this time with my babes at home really be over?? Does it really fly by that quickly? Wow. What a ride this parenting thing is. I'm so thankful for these quiet moments every few months to remember to enjoy this time with my kids at home every day. It's such a short and unique time. I take it for granted and feel like it will last forever but it won't! Man, I need to hug those kids more, before they just push me away and run on to the next thing. Oh wait, that's already happening... :) shoot. Just stay my babies for a little while longer!