Clara, you're four months old! You've grown up so much this month. You've always been watching what's around you and very alert, but this month you've been even more so! You like to see what's going on around you. You would much rather sit than be laying down - you even sat by yourself for a few seconds the other day! You pay attention to all the noises and things to see and feel. You're such a joy to have around!
While you love to experience everything around you, you sometimes get nervous about what's happening. Loud noises and unfamiliar voices and people sometimes make you cry. You've started noticing when other people hold you this month and you don't always like it. Your little bottom lip comes out in a big pout and then you start to cry. You always stop when you're in my arms, though. Mama is your safe place.
You love baths. You splash and kick and have a big grin on your face the whole time! Because of all the splashing, you've graduated to the big bathtub with your siblings. You fit right in with their splashing, my girl!
When you're around people you know, you're such a happy girl. Your smiles come easily and you've been laughing a lot this month too. You are ticklish (especially your sides and neck) and also laugh when we talk to you in silly voices and startle you just enough for it to be funny. Your brother and sisters come running when they hear you laughing and want to make you laugh themselves. They love you so much, often commenting on how big you're getting or how cute you are. They love to tell people your name ("That's Clara!") and tell them that you're their sister. They're pretty proud of you! We all are!
You've been talking and cooing this month. Earlier in the month you went through a screaming/shrieking phase. When you wanted something, you would just shriek until you got it. Usually all you wanted was to eat or be held. You love being held. You've learned to blow bubbles and spend a lot of time just sitting and spitting and sucking on your hands. Your shirts and sleepers get so wet if I forget to put a bib on you, though it is less at the end of the month than it was at the beginning. You've also started holding toys when we put them in your hands. You especially love your little octopus toy. When I hold it in front of you, you immediately put your hands to your mouth and if the octopus happens to get between your hands and make it to your mouth, you seem especially pleased! You also like to grab blankets and suck on them...they're easy to hold and don't drop as easily as toys. You can now turn circles on the floor. You're rarely in the same position that I leave you in. This has resulted in one fall off the couch. Oops! Sorry.
Your eyes are still so blue, my girl, and your hair has a tinge of red to it. What a beautiful combination! Everyone is wondering if your eyes will stay blue or if they'll turn brown or hazel like the rest of ours. I think Grandpa Buhler and Grandma McCorkindale would be pleased if their blue eyes were passed to you! You've kept most of your hair so far but your cradle cap is getting worse so I fear you may lose much of the top of it when I try to deal with that. It's such beautiful hair, I'm hesitant to do anything that might make you bald! Though bald is beautiful too :) You weigh 12.5 pounds now and have just outgrown 3 month sleepers. You're still wearing mostly 3 month clothes but I think you'll be moving to the 3-6 month size in the next day or two when I have time to dig them out!
You did not like your car seat for much of this month. You would often cry when the vehicle was moving. The stroller is the same deal. You would much rather be carried than be in a moving seat. I wonder if the movement makes you scared? Whatever it is, it has made for some not very fun trips and walks. But you seem to be getting better. You didn't cry much at all on our trip back from Hudson Bay yesterday!
As I was taking your pictures this morning, Maddie came inside from playing and, of course, wanted in on the action. You seem so far apart in age right now, but you're actually the closest in age. I can't wait to see your relationship grow and to see you become friends. Kayden is like a little mother to you. She loves to get what you need for you and has your routine down to a T. She knows that when you first wake up, you are hungry. If you've been awake for a while, you're either bored, have a dirty diaper, or are tired. She is very helpful when other people watch you...she can tell them what you need! Levi loves to pick your sleepers for you and hold you. He's so responsible, I'm sure he will be babysitting you before too long. They, especially Kayden, like to call you "Clara Bear-a."
Your sleep this month has gone from good and predictable to sporadic and unpredictable. You still sleep good stretches at night, which I'm thankful for. You've added a night time feed at around 1am (usually bed at 8pm, feeds at 1am, 5am, 7:30am, wake at 7:45-9am) which I could do without, but some nights you sleep through it so that's nice. One night this month you slept from midnight until 9am! I, of course, did not sleep all that time, but you had a good rest and woke up with a smile! Who am I kidding? You always wake up with a smile! You started the month napping in the living room in your basket with music going and you would sleep through all the noise. We took a two week trip to Grandma and Grandpa Buhler's this month, though, and on that trip you got used to napping in a room by yourself. Hopefully you can still sleep through noise though! On that trip, you also got used to sleeping on a quilt on the floor so now your playpen has too much movement and you don't sleep as soundly in it. I guess you might spend the next little while sleeping on the floor until you start moving too much! You still sleep swaddled during the night and not swaddled during naps.
You've learned to roll from your tummy to your back this month. It sometimes makes naps a little interesting. I also notice that you hold onto our arms more when we carry you or are about to put you down. Your little hands are grabby and even your legs cling onto my arms sometimes.
You are such a joy, my girl. Everyone calls you a doll and I agree! You are sweet and adorable. You have a calm presence, one full of peace and joy. We look forward to seeing you grow more and more. Every day you are changing and learning and we love to watch. We love you, Clara Mercy.