Monday, December 29, 2014

I'm still here!

Last summer I downloaded the blogger app onto my iPhone and loved how easy it was to post pictures and updates. And then I got a new phone at the end of October and that was the end of my blogging for two months. Haha. Oops! I blame the silly Samsung that I'm using now. Everything seems more cumbersome on this stinkin' phone. I'm used to it now but not sold on it. Anyway... I've finally figured out the blogging app and have enough patience stored up to try to type an entire post on here! Wish me luck! If it works, it might happen again before 2 months go by!
So what's new?  Let's see if I can figure out adding pictures so I can show you what we've been up to!

Pumpkin carving.
(post Halloween... though Levi didn't mind!)

Oh yeah, we've been working on a little something behind the scenes...except it's June not July. 

Hunting and butchering.
 (white tail deer)


Christmas concerting at our church.

Baking cookies where everyone can watch and help - on the floor.

Opening Christmas gifts.

And stockings. 

Progress report at 13-14 weeks.

Reading books.

Learning how to play Guess Who.
(Levi is SO good at it!)

It has been a fun couple months. A good end to what had been a bit of a stressful year. Most of this year had a "trying to conceive" undercurrent,  which is both exciting and frustrating at the same time. After the first baby was so long in coming, I find that each month of subsequent trying is especially hard. Questions of "Will it happen?" and "How long will it take this time?" take over quite quickly into the process and it's fairly discouraging as other people are getting pregnant right away and we're left trying and trying. BUT... we are blessed to have two and another on the way! That's three more pregnancies than I once thought I'd have. So we are rejoicing and singing and oh so excited! 

Business-wise, I had a busy January-March and August-November this year. (This is crocheting I'm talking about, Uniquely Me Design.) I sell both through facebook/trade shows (which is mostly local) and Etsy (world-wide). Since having Kayden, these have been my first two "busy seasons" and I'm finding that I just don't enjoy the filling of orders as much as I used to. I love when people are interested in what I make and want to support me...but when it comes to actually making the items, the passion just isn't there anymore.  Add to that some direct competition in town (despite knowing that it's just business, I put a lot of myself into my creations and am taking it really personally when I see people ordering from someone else) and I'm finding most of the fun is just gone for me. I just don't think it's worth the stress it's been this year so I think it's time to just let it go. That said, I still LOVE making things for people I know and love so if you are ever interested in something, please ask me about making it for you! I don't mind and love to see people enjoying things I've made! Just buy me the yarn and I'll make things for you! And don't worry, I'll let you know if I just don't have time ;)

Christmas was fun this year. Levi is at an age now (4) where he got really excited counting down to Christmas and Christmas morning was highly anticipated! Kayden was still fairly oblivious to the coming holiday, though she got right into the unwrapping and playing with new toys/reading new books once it arrived. We spent some time with Nathan's parents and brother and with my family. Lots of good times, celebrating God and family, and making memories.

Random little fact that has nothing to do with anything but is a tiny bit fun and exciting for me: tonight I made what Nathan has dubbed "homesteaders stew." It's venison stew made from the deer Nathan shot this fall, and onions, potatoes, carrots and peas from my garden. It was amazing, though the kids didn't love it (boo!). But how great that everything came from the land? I could get used to this!


  1. Yay! Glad to see something up here again. Ah, that cute little belly of yours! Hope everything is going OK for you.
    Sorry to hear that your business hasn't been much fun lately. Maybe sometime in the future you'll have renewed interest and can pick it up again. I'm probably not making any more quilts for now either, but I'll try to find something a little more simple that I can make for your little one! It was just getting harder and more draining to make things for everyone else's babies, which sounds selfish, but what is the point if it just pains you, you know? I want to make things with love, not because I feel like I have to. I'm sure it is something I'll pick up again eventually. I think for things like this, you have to be willing to set it down for awhile or eventually you'll probably never want to do it again!
    Anyway, it sounds like you had a good Christmas and I hope that 2015 holds many blessings for you! I'm wishing warm things your way! ;) - Katie D

  2. Thanks for the update! Looking forward to participating in the life of your family for a few more days starting tomorrow!!!

  3. umm homesteaders stew sounds EVERYTHING you make!

  4. Looks like I missed two great posts in the time that I have forgotten to check your blog! You are such a beautiful expectant momma! Life looks very interesting and fun at your house. Love the kids helping to bake on the kitchen floor. And I wish I could meet your children - Kayden just looks like she has the sweetest demeanor.
