Sunday, January 18, 2015

Potty training - take 2

Well, I've felt for a while that Kayden has been ready for potty training attempt #2. But between bed rest in December, then Christmas, then having my sister out for a visit which was followed by a week away with her...well I just simply haven't had a good chunk of time! But today was the day. Kayden has been holding it for long periods of time, she can say "pee," and she hasn't pooped in her diaper in quite a while (her bout of sickness excluded!), usually telling us that she has to go #2 before it happens.

We went to church as usual this morning and the plan was to start training after naptime. She was a grump after nap but I started anyway and the undivided attention really turned her afternoon around! We said "bye" to the diapers, which went to the basement to be washed and packed away until they're needed again in June/July. We stripped off her pants. And then we started pumping through juice boxes and oranges and anything else juicy that I could think of! Sidenote: I would normally caution against the use of oranges during potty training as they can be quite effective in getting things going, making poops less predictable and more messy than normal BUT they don't have that effect on Kayden so we're safe. :)

Now, I'm sure you're all wondering how the afternoon went! Well, we changed a fairly wet diaper after church and put her in a dry one for lunch and her nap. She woke up dry. We took the diapers away and she has had no accidents since! But before you start cheering and jumping up and down, you must know that she also hasn't peed on the potty. She just hasn't gone in, oh, the last 6.5 hours. (This is crazy since I, pregnant, can't imagine going that long between bathroom visits!) This is fairly normal for Kayden, though, ever since our first potty training attempt, but it sure doesn't make for that many teachable moments! Oh well,  fewer messes to clean this way! The cutest part of the afternoon? I have been reminding Kayden to tell me when she needs to pee every few minutes all afternoon and at one point she started answering back in her sweet little voice, "ok." Gah! She's just the cutest thing ever.  Along with her brother, of course. He's pretty sweet as well. Love those two!

Kayden sure seemed to enjoy the one-on-one attention this afternoon! Nathan took Levi outside to play in the snow for about an hour and the two of us had lots of fun. It doesn't happen much that I get uninterrupted one-on-one time with either of the kids so it's always special when I do. We read lots of books and I set up the baking soda and vinegar activity for her for the first time - she loved it!

Well, I'm curious how the next hour before bed will go. Either we will have a massive "uh-oh" during night snack, a massive pee on the potty, or a very wet diaper in the morning! The three day potty training method says not to use diapers at all once you start the process but I learned from doing this three dsy process with Levi that it totally isn't worth the multiple night wakings and sheet changings when they aren't wearing diapers at night before they're ready. We found that Levi wearing absorbent padding at night didn't hinder his training and before a month was past, he was waking up dry on his own anyway.  So I'm not putting myself through that again; I'll just go with night diapers right from the start and be well-rested for the days of training. 

Well,  looks like snack time is over and no accidents yet! Time to put these kiddos to bed. G'night all!


  1. Hope this round of potty training goes more smoothly for you! Kayden still seems so little to me, it is hard to remember how much she is growing up! - Katie
