Monday, January 26, 2015

And we're done?

Well, I think I can safely say that we're done with diapers in our family for another season! Or at least during the day time. Kayden is still in diapers (disposables) at night - I plan to just let her sort that whole night-time training thing out for the next month or two and see if it happens on its own. But yeah! During the day, I'd say she's trained! We started a week ago yesterday and, while we still have the occasional accident, we usually get the pee on the potty! How exciting :)

Now what else is going on? We've been spending more time outside lately. I'm NOT an outside person in winter. And the more kids we have, the less I like spending time out there. If I'm going to be outside in the snow, I like to have something to DO! Something like shovelling snow (which has been banned for me this year), or...shovelling snow. I don't enjoy playing in the snow. I know I should. Especially since I have young kids and they like it. What better excuse to play in the snow, right? But I just.don' But that said, it's +5C in January so how can we not be out there? Frankly, this weather just feels like a tease to me. It's warm enough to not burn your lungs and freeze your face, but still cold enough that there's snow and nothing is growing yet and we're not wearing t-shirts and shorts. It's wet so you have to wear ski pants and jackets but they all get soaked in 30 seconds flat. You KNOW that winter is still coming back because it's only January and spring never arrives (to stay) before April. So least it's not -40C?

I've been in an organizing mood lately. Not sure if it's a spring-like weather thing or a January thing or what but I've been trying to organize everything. Our finances. I've been thinking about making more of a menu. I've been tidying and organizing parts of the house that haven't been officially tidied in months. It feels good to put things in order. Today I even took out a couple pails of paint and did some touch-ups on doors/frames and where we'd filled holes in walls last summer but never re-painted. Could it be nesting already?? Hmm...

Well, I guess I don't actually have much to say and since it's almost time to get Kayden up from her nap, I guess I should go. Here's a pic, just because every post is more interesting with a pic!

1 comment:

  1. Missed this post! Yes, it sounds like you are nesting already ha ha! Think of all you can get done in the remaining months! ;) I hate (for the most part) winter too, but I adore those +5 days, even though I know they don't last. I lovvve that temperature. I don't do well in a lot of heat either(I have low blood pressure and heat makes me get dizzy and sleepy) but I feel so energetic when it is calm and cool but not cold out. It makes me want to go hiking or cross country skiing or something! So I just go for walks instead. :) I do like actually having stuff to DO outside though..that was one thing I liked about the feedlot. But I can imagine how much slower and more tiresome it would be when you have to deal with dressing and undressing little ones, getting wet yourself, etc. Hopefully I'll change if I ever have kids myself, but I don't really enjoy "play" all that much either, I'd rather go for a walk or something, but I doubt the kids would think that was much fun! I forgot to ask about Kayden's birthday on Wednesday! Hope it was a good one. - Katie
