Tuesday, August 26, 2014

I return.

It's true. I miss blogging. And so I'm back. Without the pressure of needing to blog, I think of all sorts of things to write. Go figure. So here I am. And at a new blog address...again. 

Why the new address? Having already spent a few years blogging back at Thoughts From Second Street, then a few more years at What Else Is Red?, I'm realizing that I need separation in my blogging ventures. I'm a "piles" person, needing a separate space for each "thing." So as I'm in different seasons in life, I'm needing separate places to write. A fresh page open in front of me.

At the last blog, I often sat down to write and, especially near the end, found myself trying desperately to explain myself to people. I felt like I needed to justify myself and my choices to everyone. And that's not what I wanted my blog to be, yet that's what it became for me. I didn't want that. I shouldn't have to explain myself. I shouldn't be desperately explaining and coming up with arguments for my choices. I am who I am.

I hope to fill this new space with just little details of my days. Pictures, thoughts, what I'm learning...whatever comes to mind that day. I'm not going for deep thoughts and I'm certainly not going for a space for you to get to know me better, though that's likely to happen as you read about my days. I have a few friends who are not on facebook; this is for you. I have family who would love to see and hear more than I post on facebook; this is for you. I have friends who just like to keep up with what's going on in my life; this is for you.


1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! I look forward to seeing whatever little snapshots of your life show up on here :)
