Friday, April 24, 2015

Baby names

Nathan and I thought we were all set with names. And now we're not sure! So how about some help? Throw out your best boy and girl baby names, both first and middle names. Give me what you've got! And GO!


  1. LOL, I ain't sharin' my favorite names! :P I'm terrified of someone else using them! I have a couple girl and boy names all picked out, and I don't even whisper them to anyone besides Dannis and my family for fear of someone else using them! Ha ha! We probably wouldn't choose the same names anyway, though. A lot of people don't care for the type of names I love... I love old fashioned names. 'Evelyn' was high on my list of girl names for a long time, but alas, my cousin had a little girl and named her Evelyn, and if I had a little girl soon, their ages would be quite similar. So I think that one is 'used up' for me. Sigh. I have others, though. ;) Do you pick names because you just like the way they sound? Or because of their meaning? I think mine are mostly 'just because'. Elijah wasn't on my name list, though Joseph was. It just popped into my head when I saw him, as who he was! What made you get uncertain about the name you guys wanted? - Katie

    1. I'm pretty secretive with our favourite baby names too and never suggest them when people ask for suggestions! We've had some of our favourites taken too :P We pick first names because of how they sound and try to have middle names with more meaning (Jonathan - gift of God; Grace - obvious). What made us uncertain about the name we'd chosen? Well, we mostly chose it because of the nickname that baby would go by but neither of us really loved the actual name...and we didn't want to just name baby the nickname in case he/she wanted to use a more "formal" name one day. Also, I didn't feel like the middle name that Nathan has his heart set on really fit with the first name. So we decided to start fresh and think of a new name! And I'm pretty sure we've got it! Yay!

  2. Oh, fun fun! Lets see, off the top of my head...

    BOY: Simon, Titus, Graham, Luka, Seth, Benjamin, Oliver, Dylan

    GIRL: Emily, Norah, Anna, Leah, Sadie, Elizabeth, Meredith, Cassidy

    Hmmm...this is harder than I thought and I surprised myself with a few of those names!

  3. I'm quite partial to Jillian Elizabeth (after your grandma, Niki). And I just think Jillian sounds lovely with McCorkindale and it's both familiar, yet less common. I also think Samuel Fredrick would be great. I love the story of Samuel, so that name always feels friendly to me. Benjamin is a favourite for me as well.

  4. You're on your own for middles... But firsts, I'll play.... :)

    Boys: Benjamin, Ezra, Thomas, Nigel, Finn, Ellis, Ira, Reuben, Micah, Toby, Cody

    Girls: Joy, Laura, Emma, Pilar, Georgia, Rosa, Regan, Layla, Maya

    This is what I'll post for now, but I'm going to be thinking of names all day! :)

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