Friday, May 1, 2015

Weird Pregnancy Dreams...Oi!

Anyone else out there just have the most bizarre dreams? I've always had vivid dreams and often remember them in the morning. I love how entertaining they can be! That said, they can also be just plain disturbing. When I'm pregnant, I seem to have the weirdest dreams ever...if I ever sleep long or deep enough to dream, that is. (I'm usually up every 3 hours to pee all throughout pregnancy and I find that I have the best dreams when I've slept at least 4-5 hours in a stretch).

The other night, I had a dream of the terrifying variety. I dreamed that something was going wrong with the pregnancy and I was told that I would lose the baby. It was only a matter of time. I was still pregnant in the dream, and at about the stage I am in now, but knew that there as nothing that could be done...nothing that could save our precious little one. What a tragic dream. I told Nathan about it in the morning and just nodded and said that he remembered me having dreams/fears like that at this stage in each of my pregnancies. While I have always been afraid of the possibility of stillbirth, the fear becomes especially real as I near the end and get more excited than ever to meet our newest. My heart breaks for anyone who has ever experienced pregnancy loss at any stage.

The dream I had last night was much lighter. It was one of those dreams where no matter how hard or long you try, you just can't get everything to work out the way it's supposed to. I was traveling across the country to visit my sister in Ontario with our new little baby. I was in the airport, ready to board the plane and realized that I didn't have my passport! I'd left my passport at home because I didn't think I needed it for a domestic flight, and besides, our baby didn't even have one yet. The issue was that I was scheduled to have a layover in New York! Why on earth a flight from Saskatchewan to Ontario would have a layover in another country is beyond me but dreams rarely make sense. As I was trying frantically to get on another flight that didn't require a passport, I realized that I'd forgotten the baby at the other end of the airport! And this was a Denver/Chicago size airport - also ridiculous if you know anything about Saskatchewan - so I was running all over the place trying to change flights and get to the right gate and remember where I'd last left the baby to make sure it came with me. (Did I leave the baby at Gate 9? Or was it at Information last time I saw it?! Aah!) I was so glad to wake up this morning and realize that baby was still tucked safely inside! What a ride. Whew.

I never know quite what to expect when I go to sleep at night but I must say, it does keep things interesting! Levi loves to tell me about his dreams too. I always get a kick out of hearing what my four year old dreams. Though I must say, sometimes they seem an awful lot like *hinting* and less like a true, sleeping, night-time dream!

"Mom! Last night I dreamed that we made a big tent and slept in it for lots of nights!" Hmm...did you? And you conveniently remembered right after lunch as you're thinking about what to do during quiet time?

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I'm assuming you guys know the gender..I was just thinking it must be getting tough to comb through your posts now and make sure you didn't refer to 'him' or 'her'! ;) Can't wait to find out!
    I had extremely vivid dreams when I was pregnant as well. Which is odd for me, because I typically don't remember mine. The most vivid dream I had, was me having just had my baby. Suddenly I realized that I hadn't fed him a single time since he was born! He wasn't crying or anything, but it had been over a day! I was totally panicking, wondering how weak he was, why he didn't want to eat, etc. Apparently my milk hadn't come in or something? Otherwise I'm sure I couldn't have 'forgotten'! A year or so after I lost Elijah, I had a very similar dream, except it was that my milk hadn't come in, and I suddenly realized I didn't have formula and he hadn't eaten yet. I was freaking out(I think this is a trend?!) because I hadn't learned anything about feeding formula and was totally unprepared. It was so. vivid. I guess I must feel like I'm going to fail my baby(or did)? I'm sure every Mom worries about being a poor mother. It was bittersweet, because of course it was a anxious dream, but it was soooo real, it felt amazing to have the baby that clear and vivid in my mind. Crazy hormones I guess!
    I think I had 'dreams' like Levi when I was growing up too! :P - Katie
