Saturday, June 27, 2015


Madelyn Amia McCorkindale
June 22, 2015
6lbs 10oz, 18.6" long

We went in for a scheduled c-section bright and early Monday morning. I wasn't looking forward to the process much (I felt quite sick through the surgery and recovery with Kayden) and this time wasn't much different from last. I did ask for more anti-nausea drugs this time which helped that end of things but then I was pretty drugged for most of the first day. Day 2 was much better and every day since then has been easier and easier in terms of recovery and feeling like myself again. I'm still moving slowly and haven't ventured beyond the front step of the house BUT I'd rather take it easy and go slow than try to rush recovery and have it take longer as a result. 

We all just love Maddie around here. The kids adore her. Most of the time they're too busy to take much time out of their day to pay much attention to her (especially Kayden) but Levi will snuggle up next to me a few times every day and just spend time with me and Maddie. It's pretty special. 

Maddie has been a very content baby so far. She eats well and sleeps well (for a newborn so up often but never for long). She is mostly content when she is awake. I'm hoping this lasts! She is just so sweet! 

Size-wise, she is between Levi and Kayden's birth weights (3oz heavier than Kayden, 1.5lbs lighter than Levi) but the shortest of all 3. Levi was 20.5", Kayden was 19 3/4", Maddie was 18.5"! I was 18" at birth and weighed less than each of my girls so there's a good chance they'll surpass me in size when they get older, but I'm betting not by much! 

I've had a lot of people say that they see a resemblance between Kayden and Maddie. I see it a bit, they're definitely sisters, but I see more resemblance between Maddie and Levi. Kayden had very fine features as a newborn. Tiny eyes, tiny lips, tiny nose. I feel like Maddie has more pronounced features. She has big, beautiful eyes, wider lips, and a more pronounced nose. I'm curious to see her look develop as she gets older. Each of my kids has their own look and each is so beautifully made. It's an amazing privilege to see how God can knit three totally different and totally beautiful children from the same two parents! 

Well, I'm tired and it's feeling late so I'll just throw in a few more pictures and post this baby. Welcome to the world, Madelyn Amia! We're so happy you've joined us!

1 comment:

  1. Very precious, Niki. Soooo cute how she is so small. And that dark hair!

    Personally I don't think she looks all that much like Kayden! I'd have to look back in your blog to compare to Levi, but she kind of just looks like herself at this point ha ha! But I find it a bit hard to tell with newborns, it'll be more clear in about a month!
    Congratulations, and I'm glad you are doing well! God has done great things! - Katie
