Friday, September 26, 2014

The downside to country living

I love living in the country.

Buying this acreage last fall was a dream come true for us. 

It is quiet. 

It is private. 

It is beautiful and the possibilities are endless!

But there is one aspect of living out here that I wish I could trade in. See, there is a park in town. 

And at that park are friends. 

Friends for myself and friends for my kids. 

We have trees to climb and buildings to explore and animals to play with...but we often do these things alone. 

I'm usually ok with being alone. I love the quiet. I am not someone who wants to be with people all the time...which is probably why I didn't frequent the park when we lived in town. I felt like I was constantly surrounded by people while living in town so often stuck to our own house/yard for playtime. 

But now that I have all the alone time I need (believe me, it's glorious!), I am more often finding that I have the energy to be social. 

We have had more people over to our house for meals in the past 11 months since we moved out here than in the two years we lived in town. 

So when I drive through town and notice friends at the park, I am left feeling lonely. It would be nice to just be able to walk down the street every morning with the kids and play at the park. It would be nice to have play dates that I could walk to instead of getting in the vehicle every time. 

But I'm sure I will adjust. This is not something that outweighs all of the positives of living out here. I'll just have to make a point (and an extra gas allowance in the budget) for being with people. 

What do you think? What would be your pros and cons of living in the country?

Here are some pics from recently, because I did promise them afterall. 

Kiddos finding the kitties (notice the yarn on the bench beside is never far away these days!)

Haha. Balloon in the pjs is always good for some laughs :)

We visited my brother and sister-in-law over my birthday weekend. They stayed with the kids while we went to a wedding and took them to a park. They know the way to my kids' hearts!

Quick, creepy drive-by shot of our first house in Manitoba. It's always nice to drive through our old neighbourhood and see our first house :)

Levi got some new piece for his Ikea train tracks and chose to play with them instead of having night snack when we got home (that's huge for him!). 

Levi's favourite new game: jr monopoly

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