Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween 2014

Costumes were kinda last minute today.  Levi wanted to be Santa for Halloween because he thought it would be funny. We even made a nice, fuzzy beard for him.  But at the last minute he changed his mind and we had to scramble for something different, literally as we were about to walk out the door for trick-or-treating.

While we were out, Levi didn't utter a word.  He was silent the entire time.  Kayden was so nice to give her "thanks" and "bye!" and "see ya!"'s. I wonder if she will end up being the talker of the two?  Cause at home, Levi has always done more talking, even from a young age.  But when we're out, Kayden is definitely the less shy one!

Levi ended up dressing up as a chef...though whenever anyone asked him if he was a chef, he just shook his head. So...who knows. :) Maybe he was actually dressed up as something else in his mind that we didn't know about.

Kayden's costume was just as last minute because I had put together the chef costume for her but then Levi decided to wear it instead.  So I had to run downstairs and find her something and thankfully she let me dress her up, no complaints! She was a cowgirl and actually wore her hat while we were out, though refused to wear it for the picture.  We were loving the tickle trunk today that Auntie Ia and Auntie Carrie put together for Levi a couple years ago. The chef attire was sewn for Levi by Auntie Carrie but the Santa hat and cowgirl costume were both from the tickle trunk. It's a gift that keeps on giving!


  1. Ha ha! Your kids are such characters. Enigmatic Levi and agreeable Kayden! I wonder if Kayden will always be kind of agreeable or whether she just hasn't hit the difficult age yet? Very cute post, anyway. We had a few costumes when I was growing up, and we just rotated through them every year. Joy. They were good costumes though! - Katie

  2. That's so funny! Both of the kids look great, and I'm glad the tickle trunk was there for you in your time of need.
